I thought, as we approach the end of 2016, I'd show you another side to my job - an insight to what really goes on, where I've been and the difference in some of the locations I work in! I travelled 1000s of miles, worked with new production companies, worked in new and old theatres, spent long hours in studios and delivered workshops to over 50 schools, colleges, universities and youth groups. I can definitely say every day of my working life is different! I never wake up thinking I've got to do the same old thing over and over again! However, it's not easy and, as a freelancer, I often have to wait months to get paid, I have to spend huge amounts of money on fuel, car repairs, replacing and continually stocking my kit and with the ever-increasing general living expenses it's not a big money earner! I work with some amazing people though, some who I see quite often and some who I'll probably never meet again. I've worked in some beautiful locations and also in plenty of cold, wet, dirty ones but.... I LOVE my job and I wouldn't change it for the world!
There's been hundreds of other moments that I could share with you and my phone is literally jammed with the evidence but for now, thank you for reading my blog, tweeting, facebooking and instagramming with me over another busy year (I definitely had less time this year to keep up with my social media as a very special person came into my life!) but thank you again for the follows! Here's to 2017 and another happy and busy year ahead with makeup by me, a new feature film release and the start of directing and producing my first film with my partner through Subculture Filmworks! xx