Well here we are, at the beginning of June many weeks after the start of something we will all remember throughout our lifetimes - the globally historic time we had to stop, sit and wait for this terrible virus to leave us and let us return to what I love doing most, working in the creative arts industry!  Many people have had to work throughout this panademic, keeping out respective countries going, but for me, like everyone in the Arts, I have had to sit it out.  I've used my time as creatively as I can but most importantly I have read and learned as much as I possibly can about keeping my clients, my team and myself COVID SAFE.  I have taken the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION  and BARBICIDE tests on COVID-safe hygiene practice whilst working on set.  I will include this practice within my RISK ASSESSMENTS and discuss all arrangements with clients respectively prior to each job commencing. It is the way life is from now on.  

I'm really looking forward to re-starting work and bring my creative skills to your project and here in the UK, the BRITISH FILM COMMISSION has now given the greenlight to working in film and high-end TV drama, so let's start creating!