ENGAGE, EDUCATE and ENTERTAIN......The Halloween Season is obviously a busy one for Kate and her Youth workshops have become extremely popular, booking many weeks in advance. Using a highly imaginative approach to learning, Kate has delivered Halloween/Zombie workshops to over 250 Youth Centres across southeast England, London and further afield. Kate has an educational background from working in Speech & Language within primary schools across West Kent and her vast classroom knowledge and experience has given her the ability to work with large groups of students of all abilities engaging with the young people and bringing a sense of humor, involvement and achievement to all the participants.
The sessions can run during the day or evening and as Halloween usually falls within the school half-term Kate can deliver several sessions in one day. As with all Kate’s workshops, the sessions are fully interactive, with all the young people getting more than involved! Youth workers and adult supervisors are encouraged to take part and can often not resist the temptation to get involved with the young people.